THIS IS NOT TRUE It is commonly assumed that if you train your legs you will also stimulate growth of your upper body muscles, as training legs will increase anabolic hormones in your blood circulation. The latter part may be true, but this effect is only very short. Therefore, the relatively short increase in hormone… Continue reading Debunked: you need to train your legs to increase muscle growth in your upper body
Author: Dr. Cas Fuchs (Ph.D.)
Are eggs good for building muscle?
Introduction Eggs are a major part of people’s diet. Also, in many cultures, eggs are considered a traditional breakfast meal. So clearly, people seem to love eating eggs. But how good are eggs actually? And what does an egg actually contain? Is it healthy? And for those that love to exercise: will eggs be a… Continue reading Are eggs good for building muscle?
Debunked: a high protein diet is bad for your kidneys
THIS IS NOT TRUE In healthy humans there is no evidence for this claim. People with chronic kidney disease should, at certain stages of their disease, eat low amounts of protein in their diet. But for healthy humans this is not an issue and your kidneys are very capable to handle large amounts of protein… Continue reading Debunked: a high protein diet is bad for your kidneys
Debunked: sugar is poison and bad for your health
THIS IS NOT TRUE Sugar can be used perfectly fine by the human body and cannot be considered poison or bad for you. In fact, most of our cells in the body function on sugar and without sugar (glucose) in the body we cannot even survive. Of course too much sugar is bad, just as… Continue reading Debunked: sugar is poison and bad for your health
Is being inactive bad for our muscles?
It is well-known that our muscles will grow if we train them. It is also known that if we do not use our muscles, they will get smaller very fast. Our muscles simply respond very well to activity but also to inactivity, which together is commonly referred to as muscle plasticity. This topic has always… Continue reading Is being inactive bad for our muscles?