Maximizing Muscle Growth: The Impact of Post-Exercise Hot Water Immersion

Introduction: When it comes to maximizing muscle growth and enhancing performance, athletes are always on the lookout for effective recovery techniques. While cold-water immersion has been a topic of discussion in our previous blog post (see here), we now focus our attention to an alternative recovery approach: hot-water immersion. As we have found that cold-water… Continue reading Maximizing Muscle Growth: The Impact of Post-Exercise Hot Water Immersion

Maximizing Muscle Growth: The Impact of Post-Exercise Cooling and Ice Baths

Introduction: You may have witnessed well-built athletes like Usain Bolt, Anthony Joshua, and Cristiano Ronaldo immersing themselves in ice-cold water. Especially Cristiano Ronaldo has often reached the news with his ice bath strategy as a means to speed up his recovery. There has been this interesting (older) interview with Football Manager Carlo Ancelotti about Cristiano… Continue reading Maximizing Muscle Growth: The Impact of Post-Exercise Cooling and Ice Baths

Collagen Protein for Muscle Building: Exploring Its Impact on Muscle Connective Protein Synthesis

Introduction: When it comes to muscle building, protein is a crucial nutrient that plays a central role in muscle repair and growth. When we consume proteins through our food, they contribute to the growth of proteins within our muscles. These proteins are crucial for muscle contractions, which are necessary for activities like weightlifting in the… Continue reading Collagen Protein for Muscle Building: Exploring Its Impact on Muscle Connective Protein Synthesis