Optimal Recovery Nutrition for Elite Soccer Players during a Busy Period

Proper nutrition is essential for football players, particularly elite athletes who participate in top leagues like the English Premier League. Considering the demanding schedules of these players, with multiple important matches per week (e.g., Premier League, League Cup, FA Cup, Champions/Europa/Conference League, and national team duties), maintaining peak performance is crucial.

To ensure optimal recovery and performance, nutrition plays a vital role. Cas Fuchs, a Sports, Nutrition, and Recovery Scientist at Maastricht University, highlights key points on what football players should eat after a match for optimal recovery and preparation for the next game.


Replenishing carbohydrate stores in the muscles and liver is paramount for football players after an intense match. Ingesting carbohydrates will quickly restore this body energy that is needed for subsequent matches. Recommended carbohydrate intake is around 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per hour in the first 4-5 hours post-match. For instance, a player like Kylian Mbappé (~75 kg) should aim for approximately 90 grams of carbohydrates per hour.

Since it takes 2-3 full days to replenish muscle carbohydrate stores, it’s crucial to initiate carbohydrate consumption as soon as possible after the match, especially during a busy period.

Great sources of carbohydrates for quick recovery include:

Bananas, Jam Sandwiches, Honey, Potatoes, Sports Drinks, Popcorn, etc.


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Proteins are vital as they serve as building blocks for muscles. They aid in repairing damaged muscle proteins. It is generally advised to consume around 20-40 grams of protein in each meal to support muscle recovery. Therefore, adding some protein (20-40 grams) to the carbohydrate-rich post-match meal(s) is crucial.

Good sources of protein for assisting in our recovery include:

Milk, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Eggs, Meat, Fish, etc.


Athletes often experience dehydration after a match, especially when playing in hot and humid conditions. Significant fluid loss occurs through sweating during the game. A useful indicator to assess fluid loss is the color of urine after the match. Dark yellow urine indicates the need for ingesting more fluids, while frequent urination and light-colored urine suggest already excessive fluid intake. Replenishing fluids is essential to maintain performance as significant dehydration negatively impacts it.

Adding some extra salts to beverages can be beneficial since they are lost through sweating.

Key Takeaway:

A proper recovery drink after the match should include carbohydrates, proteins, some salts, and, of course, water or fluids. So, next time, consider reaching for a bottle of (chocolate) milk or a banana milkshake instead of beer to support your recovery ;).

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